“The most memorable part of Campus Life was seeing Christian servants at work. I’ve definitely been impacted by how Campus Life brings the Gospel to students…meeting them where they’re at, through their day-to-day life. I’ll never forget the warm-heartedness of the volunteers and staff. There is no better way to show God’s love to students.” This is how Kolbie Sullivan describes his experience with Campus Life.
Kolbie began his journey with Campus Life in the 7th Grade while attending Emerson Middle school. He remembers getting off the school bus and being invited to a Campus Life after-school club. He says he decided to go because he was intrigued by how friendly the leaders were toward the students. Through the club he began to know Jesus and grow in his understanding of God. After being involved in Campus Life on and off for more than 6 years, we asked Kolbie to help kick off a campus club at Bakersfield High School. He didn’t hesitate for a moment. Kolbie was excited to serve the Lord in a different way by helping reach more students at his school.